url https://nubis.bis-sorbonne.fr/index.php/ark:/15733/khn5 dcterms:contributor https://www.idref.fr/028531108 https://www.idref.fr/191162957 dcterms:coverage London (GB) 17e s. dcterms:creator https://www.idref.fr/026922932 dcterms:date 1677 dcterms:description Contient : Laney, Benjamin (1591-1675). - Observations upon a letter of M. Tho. Hobbes to the duke of Newcastle. Which he calls His opinion about liberty and necessity (p. 23-104) dcterms:format [2]-104-[11-3 bl.] p. ; in-12 Ex-libris ms. : "Ex libris jacobi Hebrard" dcterms:language lat dcterms:source http://www.sudoc.fr/191162817 Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Sorbonne, cote : VCM 6= 5481 dcterms:subject Déterminisme (philosophie) -- Ouvrages avant 1800 Libre arbitre -- Ouvrages avant 1800 dcterms:title A letter about liberty & necessity. Written to the duke of Newcastle, by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. With observations upon it. By the late right reverend Father in God, Benjamin Laney lord-bishop of Ely. Autre titre : A letter about liberty & necessity --