url https://nubis.bis-sorbonne.fr/index.php/ark:/15733/3xr1 dcterms:contributor https://www.idref.fr/191057134 dcterms:coverage London (GB) 17e s. dcterms:creator https://www.idref.fr/026922932 dcterms:date 1651 dcterms:description Traduction de "De cive". dcterms:format [1-1 bl.-1-1 bl.-38]-363-[3 bl.] p., [1] f. de pl. : ill. ; in-12. Titre-frontispice gravé sur cuivre par Robert Vaughan (f. A1r). 3 planches gravées sur cuivre (entre les feuillets C1 et C2, et au verso des feuillets F1 et M10). Reliure veau blond glacé, 18e s. ; monogramme couronné, composé des lettres PPA, sur les plats. dcterms:language eng dcterms:source http://www.sudoc.fr/140552022 Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Sorbonne, cote : VCM 6= 5465 dcterms:subject Philosophie politique -- Ouvrages avant 1800 dcterms:title Philosophicall rudiments concerning government and society. Or, A dissertation concerning man in his severall habitudes and respects, as the member of a society, first secular, and then sacred. Containing the elements of civill politie in the agreement which it hath both with naturall and divine lawes. In which is demostrated, both what the origine of justice is, and wherein the essence of christian religion doth consist. Together with the nature, limits, and qualifications both of regiment and subjection. By Tho: Hobbes. Autre titre : De cive Autre titre : A dissertation concerning man in his severall habitudes and respects, as the member of a society, first secular, and then sacred Autre titre : A dissertation concerning man in his several habitudes and respects, as the member of a society, first secular, and then sacred Autre titre : Philosophicall rudiments concerning goverment and civill society Autre titre : Philosophical rudiments concerning government and society --